Here at Central Living we offer an in-house interior design service

Our in-house interior designer works closely with our clients to combine our expertise with their ideas and budgets. Whether you wish to add a few statement pieces of furniture to complete a room, or you’re starting from scratch and looking for a whole new scheme for your home. We’re passionate about interiors, contact us to discuss your project.

We provide a range of bespoke design services. Our interior design service is priced upon application. Book a free consultation today.

Initial consultations are free of charge and, dependent on the scope of work for our designer, our fees are very reasonable, starting from £425 for one room.
Save money by hiring an interior designer
Many will be under the illusion that hiring a professional designer will have a large fee attached. Perhaps we can help change that thinking. 

Time represents money to many of us with busy lives and the time it takes a designer to come up with a design concept within your budget will be far speedier than you will be able to do for yourself.

How often have you made expensive mistakes by choosing a piece of furniture too large, too small or simply the wrong shape and colour for your space?  Designers spend years perfecting and honing their skills, they know how to avoid such errors.  Often they will produce scaled room layouts for you and concept presentations that help you visualise the finished scheme.

Once you have applied these benefits to the overall cost of a home redesign, you will probably be in pocket rather than out.

Visit our showroom
Central Living
33-35 Little Clarendon street,
Oxford. OX1 2HU 
T 01865 311141